I have been thinking lately of the whole blogging thing...is there a point in it? When I started this blog, I mostly did it for myself, so I could stick to something and have a way to talk about things special and important to me. I don't care if I get crazy recognition and I'm also not trying to be something I'm not. Do I want people to read what I write? Obviously, but I'm not vying for attention. My life really isn't too interesting so I see that my blog isn't everyone's cup of tea and that's fine. I'm a 25 year old, stay at home mom of two little children, and I've been married for under 5 years...it's quite obvious I'm no expert on anything, why would anyone come to my blog to read what I have to say?
My "life" over on Instagram is fun, I enjoy sharing our little moments there and I enjoy the friendships I have made there even more. For years I have been private but since starting this blog I have made myself public, and I have let basically everyone in to our family life. I remember not caring about posting the
perfect picture, all I wanted to do was share something funny that Braxton did, even if it was blurry or the lighting was off. Now it's about having the best shot and you don't just use the Instagram filters, no...you branch out and use different apps to filter the picture to make it "better" because that's what everyone does now. I get it, we are all visual people, but are we losing our realness? It's giving me a headache even thinking about because it's totally First World Problems and the social media world that we live in. I'm a recovering over-sharer on Instagram because of this blog. I have to consciously not post something there because "what if I want to post it on my blog? Am I going to annoy people with double pictures?" Ugh, who cares?!
Maybe I should have known this already but blogging/social media is no different than anything else...it helps to know someone, who knows someone. Is it wrong of me to be annoyed with that? I don't think I'm the only one. People don't want to follow someone unless they're already established, or there's an incentive. What's the deal with not following new stuff, are people really that shallow? I'm not scared, or embarrassed, to follow someone I don't know and it's not because I want to lurk or because I'm trying to be weird...it's because I have a genuine interest and I'm happy to make new "friends" over the internet. What happened to that community? The whole follow to unfollow thing is annoying and nobody likes that. Branch out, follow some new people, you might make some actual friends that way.
I like the idea of blogging and by no means am I hating on it. I love that I can write about Braxton's speech delay and have people tell me that they too know how it feels. It's fun writing my Monday's Obsessions...I always try to include music, food, and some clothes because that's what I enjoy. When I did the Freshly Picked giveaway it was because I genuinely LOVE the product and I actively participate in giveaways myself. I want this blog to be somewhere I can go to share our life, not so I can climb an invisible ladder for some status. To be completely honest, I didn't realize how much time goes into a real blog post...it's definitely not easy! I wish I could write more posts but I'm doing what I can, with the time that I have. I have to say though, I really love doing it so that's all the reason I need.