
Hello! My name is Crystal and I'm a wife to Brian and a stay at home mama to two munchkins, Braxton who is 4 and Ava will be turning 2 in June!  I'm obsessed with my little family, finding deals, desserts, and all things girly. I have a shopping problem, but don't worry, I almost never buy something without finding a deal on it first. That's what this blog is share the deals that I find for myself, my family, and even my friends. I was doing it before the blog, so why not share it with everyone else? 

I also love meeting new people (hi new friends!) and collaborating with all sorts of brands with sponsored posts, reviews, and giveaways so if you would like to talk, email me!


1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    Just wanted to let you know you have a broken link on this page:

    I only noticed it was broken when I tried to click through the Blue Bungalow site, but it looks like they've deleted that page.

    I found another one you might consider linking to instead though - same ideas, but in more detail ->



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