Monday's Obsessions

Monday, April 14, 2014
We had a week with pretty decent weather so it was fun to get out a little more. On Saturday we went out to Syracuse to drop something off at one of Brian's friend's house and since we didn't have anything else to do, Brian took us out to dinner. I'm about to brag because BOTH OF MY CHILDREN were perfect. Usually Ava is fine because she's really interested in food but Braxton isn't the type to take out to dinner. It was the least stressful outing in a long time, I'm so proud of him! Starting today Braxton is on Spring break from school so I'm hoping we can get out a few times and do some fun stuff with him. I'm thinking the zoo and maybe a trip to see the Easter Bunny...

I did a little DIY wreath for Spring. It's simple, which is what I love. The wreath is from Salvation Army that I got for $2 and the floral accents are from Hobby Lobby. The vine of roses was under $4 and the peony was just about $5. Now if only Brian could paint the front door it would look perfect! That's a husband for you though haha 

I'm totally in love with everything from Jessica Alba last night at the MTV Movie Awards. Her outfit, hair, makeup, and that tan. Ugh, so many heart eyes for her. 

Baked Ravioli is a hit in our house. I've made it countless times and this time Ava got to have some, and loved it. For us, I add a pound of either ground hamburger or turkey meat and an extra jar of vegetable pasta sauce and it's perfect for my carnivorous family. (You kind of need the extra sauce if you add meat.)

The show Nashville on ABC has been my guilty pleasure since it first aired. I actually love some country music, and the show's soundtracks are great. Don't Put Dirt On My Grave Just Yet is one song that's always in my head. 

Tomorrow there's going to be a blood moon that will be visible in the US! There will actually be a few visible this year which is interesting. I'm hoping the weather is cooperative, and not cloudy so we can see it.

26 Words That Have A Totally Different Meaning When You're A Parent

Instead of dying Easter eggs this year, I think we'll be trying this with crayons. It seems less messy and we have loads of crayons to work with. 

For a little treat, I plan on making Rice Krispy Easter eggs. I love how they're dipped and sprinkled! 

Totally having a moment with H&M currently…I love this dress, for Ava's room these curtains would be perfect, and I always love wedges.

Here's to a good week xx 

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