Too soon for a Christmas wish list? I say no because here is mine...

Friday, September 11, 2015
So I slacked a little for Labor Day sales. Our Labor Day weekend consisted of remodeling our kitchen. We aren't going full on remodel, more like a big update, but's a lot of work when you're doing it yourself, with two very needy kids. Brian and I basically switched between playing with the kids and painting. Needless to say, we aren't done with the kitchen, but we're getting there! He went back to work today so I see more late nights ahead of us, working on things after the kids go to sleep. I can't wait to post pictures here once it's finished! 

Some friends of mine have been recently talking about Christmas lists already and it got me thinking, what the heck do I want this year? My birthday is December 4th so I've always been the kid that had to do the whole Christmas/birthday list together. Because of that, I start to plan early. I go in between picky and not picky when it comes to gifts, depending on the year, and thank god my husband puts up with me. It has little to do with cost, but all about the thought that goes into it, but here's what I have my eye on...

I've had my camera coming up on 2 years and I'm guilty of not learning as much as I should have by now. I use it for pictures of the kids mostly and would love to have a new lens for portraits of them, which I hear the 50mm f/1.4 lens is pretty good for. 

Sorels always sell out so fast, it's almost ridiculous. I've held out on getting a pair for a couple years now but winters are rough here and I would love to have a pair of warm, waterproof boots for all the snow we get. I love the knit version of the Joan of Arctic boots rather than the fur, even though I love the fur as well. I'm curious to see if there will be a Black Friday deal on these because it's a little hard to justify the price tag of $170 considering Brian says I have "so many shoes." 

So I'm not much of a fancy jewelry person but how gorgeous are those together? Recently I had an allergic reaction to my white gold wedding/engagement/anniversary ring set and that's what got me looking at something to wear in place of it, even though I hate the idea of replacing it. I've never been much of a gold person but I tried on this Levian diamond ring with this Neil Lane diamond band and it sold me on how beautiful rose gold really is. It's so hard to choose between the look of the vintage-esque Levian ring and the bold amethyst ring but I think the amethyst is more "me"...or something like that. 

I have been drooling over the looks of these bags for ages now. I love the style, which reminds me of the bags my mom used to own back in the day. She brought back amazing things from her trips from all over the world and gah, I wish she held onto everything so I could just steal it all from her haha. The bags are all one of a kind, and they're actually made from recycled shirts from Guatemala called huipils and hand cut leather. This is technically my dream Nena bag but there's also mu's bagsHumble Hilo, and PourFavorShop. I love how big they are, the dark leather, and the mix of purple, red, and pink. 

I think I'll forever love this perfume. I go between using Flowerbomb and Be Delicious but there's always room for another perfume. I really like buying perfumes from The Perfume Spot because they always have promo codes and a high percentage of cash back from Ebates.

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