Frozen yogurt covered fruit

Thursday, January 23, 2014
I remember when I was little and I lived in Tennessee there was a place that had the BEST peach smoothies that was right by my nana's house and she would always take me there. It's funny how something that simple sticks with you after so many years. Fresh fruit is my weakness. Peaches, bananas, strawberries, and pineapple are my favorite. However, if it's imitation "fake" flavored I have to say no thanks, especially with strawberry. Ugh, gross. I won't touch anything if it's fake strawberry. The one thing that I love about fresh fruit is what you can do with it. I love making smoothies but I also love making frozen yogurt covered fruit, especially when I have a few different fruits. The great thing with these is you can make as much as you want then once they're done you can put them into a freezer safe container and eat them whenever you want. I also save some to add to a smoothie later on. It's great if you don't have fresh fruit at the time, you can just pop them into the blender and go.

I use blueberries, strawberries, and bananas but you can basically use any fruit. Make sure you wash the blueberries and strawberries. 

Cut the strawberries and bananas into bite size pieces. 
(That bowl with the hand painted fruit is a gem. Vintage 1950's Fire King) 
You can use any kind of yogurt you like. I use light vanilla yogurt but for a healthier option try plain Greek yogurt and add some honey into it for sweetness. Pour the yogurt into a bowl for easy dipping. 

With a toothpick, or skewer, dip your fruit into the yogurt and then onto a baking sheet.

Cover all the pieces and then put them in the freezer for 1-2 hours so they're set and then enjoy! 

Braxton loves these and Brian actually will eat them too which is a change! 


  1. Dido on the fresh fruit. We have a garden so the same home grown tomatoes. These turned out good!

    1. I don't have the biggest green thumb but I'm jealous of your home grown tomatoes! My husband's grandparents have a beautiful garden and they're only 5 minutes away so I always go over there and raid their stuff in the summer haha


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