Hello my ELEVEN month old

Monday, May 5, 2014

Little miss Ava Madison is eleven months old today! In the past month so much has changed, she's gotten so big, and she has mastered so much. She now chases after Braxton wherever he goes and they play so sweetly together, even with reminders to share toys. Watching them brings me so much happiness, and excitement for the years to come. We're loving every minute now with her too. 

I have to say, the past month has been a little testy. Ava has always been the most easy going baby ever but now I have noticed even more of a personality in her...and it's feisty. She's a yeller, and it's just for attention...and it definitely gets my attention. She is very attached to mom and while I love it, I also have another munchkin who loves mom snuggles as well. It's a balance that I'm still working on but I think it's going alright. I'm lucky that Braxton hasn't shown any sort of jealousy towards her because I'm sure that would make things difficult. She adores him and I love that she has a big brother...I always wanted a big brother. 

This time last year I was in the home stretch of a very difficult pregnancy, and I don't think I'll ever forget it. Now that she's here, and she's almost one, I'm just so thankful that everything turned out right and we're both healthy. Lately I have seen some posts about miscarriage, babies/moms with health issues, and more and it just breaks my heart. I am so fortunate to have my health, as well as my children's health, and I could never be more grateful for that. I love being a mom and my heart goes out to anyone who can't feel that way. 

Since the moment Ava was born, I have told her every day just how beautiful she is. Sometimes, in the back of my head, I wonder if that's wrong to say? Like am I putting pressure on her to think she has to be pretty? That's never my intention. All I know is that she is the most perfect little girl to me and everything about her, minus her awful dirty diapers (haha), will always be beautiful to me. Growing up I had people in my life that made me feel like I wasn't good enough or pretty enough, and I still feel that way sometimes, and that's what I want to avoid with her. I don't want her to feel the insecurities that I have felt/still feel from time to time. I want her to be strong, and confident, in everything she is. 

Headband from Mina Loves Bows

While it may be bittersweet that my baby is almost a toddler, I'm going to embrace it. Her first birthday party is coming up at the end of this month and I'm so excited, and I can't wait to share it on here! 

Ugh, pre-dog kisses....

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