DIY flower paper lanterns

Sunday, June 8, 2014
DIY flower paper lanterns

I wanted to share one of my favorite DIY's from Ava's birthday party, the paper lanterns I decorated with silk flowers. They were such a sweet touch at the party but I also love them because they can be used for other kinds of decorating afterwards. A couple are hanging in Ava's room now, and I think they're perfect.

I wanted to keep the lanterns more simple since most of my flowers were pink so I went with six white lanterns and then three pink. I bought them at Hobby Lobby, in packs of three, and they were super affordable. I found the flowers at so many different places. AC Moore, The Dollar Tree, Marshall's, Joann's Fabric...I felt like I was buying flowers anytime I went somewhere. (I still have way too many flowers leftover, so a good tip is don't overbuy no matter how pretty they are haha)

What you'll need:
Paper lanterns of different sizes.
Silk flowers
Hot glue gun and glue

What you do:
Pull off the flowers you want to use from the stems. They should pop right off. Most of them will have a little stem left and you can either cut that off or work with it. I noticed with some flowers if you cut it off, the flower would just fall apart so be careful of that.  

DIY flower paper lanterns

You want to assemble the lanterns so you have the surface area you need. You can't really glue the flowers on right if the lanterns are still folded. 

Figure out where you want your flowers and then just glue away. I kind of went with less is more for most of the lanterns, and I loved mixing the colors. I added different leaves to make the colors pop a little more. 

DIY flower paper lanterns

DIY flower paper lanterns

That's all you have to do! Hang the lanterns with some string (I chose pink string) and you have the easiest, and prettiest, little decoration. You could definitely make these for under $10, depending on the quality of flowers you choose.

And here are some action shots...

DIY flower paper lanterns
From Ava's girly birthday party
DIY flower paper lanterns
Decals: Urban Walls

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