Monday's Obsessions

Monday, June 9, 2014
What a weekend...On Saturday, we drove out to celebrate Ava's bestie Mila's birthday with a fairy party. It was precious and we all had fun. Braxton loved the fact that we were outside, with lots of kids his age to play with. Marissa had little fairy wings for all the girls and Ava kept hers on the entire time. The food was nice and the company was great...this is one reason why I love Summer. 

It doesn't feel like a year has passed since our girls were born. The funny thing is, they were due two weeks apart. I remember when I announced that I was pregnant, I told Marissa that her and her husband needed to hurry up and have a baby as well. She kind of just laughed and I sensed she was pregnant but she didn't say anything...until a few weeks later when she announced that she was having a June baby as well. Instantly we bonded and it was so nice to connect with her on that level. We even ended up going to the same OB's office, we each had plans to be at the same birthing center in the same hospital, and we joked that it would be so funny if we both were there at the same time. We didn't really think it would happen since I was due after her, and because it was her first and my second but it did. 

When Marissa came to visit Ava and I the day after she was born she had mentioned that she was feeling a little funny. A couple hours later she was in labor and had Mila the next morning. Even though I didn't get my birthing center birth, I was just down the hallway from it, so that afternoon I walked all the way down there after my c-section. What should have been a couple minutes felt like about 10 minutes because I was walking so slow, but I had to see Marissa and Mila! Ava and I are pretty lucky to have such great friends already.
Braxton has the cheesiest, cutest smile in the background.

Saves the Day's Freakish has been in my head for days now.

Yesterday was National Best Friend Day, so I love these

I had some major chocolate cravings this weekend...apparently I really need fruits and vegetables and better sleep. 

How about making Philly cheesesteak egg rolls this week?

A funny little moment about romance after kids

Apparently iced tea can make your skin look amazing.

A fun DIY Christmas light upgrade 

Free People's Fitted With Daisies dress is adorable. 

I'm interested to see Kelly Osbourne's collection for MAC

Maybe I'm old and I don't have the same views as a lot of fashion people but I absolutely HATED the dress that Rihanna wore and the fact that she got so much praise for it as a "fashion icon". To me, it's astonishing that some of the same people who criticize breastfeeding in public think the dress she wore is completely appropriate. I really think people's priorities are totally messed up if they can sexualize breastfeeding but wearing a dress that shows your nipples is deemed fashionable and okay in their eyes. I personally think it's a shame that it's like that and I'm really nervous when my daughter grows up...what will fashion be like then? What happened to a little bit of modesty? It's totally been bugging me this whole week. I'm not trying to be a prude and I'm not saying that she wasn't beautiful, because she is a very pretty woman, but WHY? Just the other day I was reading an article about a school photoshopping girls' pictures for the yearbook because their bra straps were showing or their shirts were deemed "too low cut", and a different article said that another school sent a girl home because her bra straps were visible because it could be seen as a "sexual nature". That's not okay but Rihanna is a "fashion icon"...makes sense I guess. Everyone is aloud to wear what they want but this double standard is what has to go. 

I don't usually rant on my Monday's Obsessions but I had to today haha

Here's to a good week xx 

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