Are we really crazy for doing this upcoming drive? Nineteen hours, one way, with a 3 year old and an almost 9 month old. Brian even mentioned bringing the dog but no way! Flying just wasn't the greatest option considering how expensive it is and the fact that we would need to buy three tickets. Our plan is sort of simple and hopefully it will be the easiest on the munchkins. We'll be leaving around 8 pm, their bedtime, and I'll be driving through the night until we get to South Carolina the next morning. Brian's grandparents live there so we will be staying with them for the day and through the night. I'm not too nervous really about that drive because they're both great sleepers and I'm more of a night person when I have to be so I think it'll go just fine. That drive is thirteen hours, the big bulk of our time.
Why am I so nervous for the six hour drive? I know I'll be tired from doing the over night thing so maybe that's a part of it. I decided that I would pull together some fun things for Braxton that didn't involve screen time. Don't get me wrong, we'll be bringing the iPad with some of his favorite movies, but I would ideally love to save that for last, it'll be the back up plan aka the saving grace. Lucky for us, where Braxton's birthday is only 4 days after Christmas, we usually have an overhaul of unopened toys and other fun things. I will usually hide them and bring one out on a rainy day or something but this time it's perfect. I'm packing basically all of the little stuff haha I also bought a cheap cookie sheet for him to use for coloring or even eating, as well as some fun little stickers that he can put on the window...gel stickers, of course.
Crayola Color Wonder pads and markers are seriously the best invention for little kids. There's NO MESS!
The Etch a Sketch I think could be fun because it's totally a new idea for him and once again, mess free obviously.
Now I'm totally not above bribing when it's reasonable so the Jelly Beans are perfect. Not too much sugar where he's trying to bounce out of his car seat but still a little treat. How awesome are the Disney villains though?!
Bubbles are pretty much the most amazing thing ever to kids, I don't know why, but I'll take it. We got some mini bubbles from a party favor bag which are the perfect size.
As for the Play-Doh I'm still not 100% sold on it because it could be a disaster (Play-Doh smooshed all over the car) but I'm still going to bring it. The little containers are great because I don't have to worry about loads and loads of the stuff everywhere and then it drying out.
Snacks are probably the best part about road trips. Am I right or is it just me? My goal is to do a little bit of everything in moderation. I also want to avoid a huge mess everywhere so before we leave we'll be putting a sheet under their seats as a shield. Yes, I'll have cookies and other "junk" but we'll be having a great, homemade breakfast before we hit the road and we'll also be eating semi-healthy for lunch so I'm not too concerned. The important thing about packing snacks for little ones is single portions and mini bags. It's no fuss and it's not likely that they will go to waste.
Mini muffins are Braxton's favorite so of course they're packed.
100 calorie snack packs are amazing because there's just enough to them so you aren't crazy full but you're satisfied...unless you're Brian who could eat like five of them haha
Granola bars are awesome for both toddlers/pre-schoolers AND parents.
Popcorn. I seriously LOVE popcorn. I'll wait until we're at a gas station with a microwave and then surprise Braxton with it because he loves it as well.
I'll be picking up a bag of trail mix from BJ's but who am I kidding, it'll be for me.
Where Braxton is potty trained but this will be his first big trip, I'm a little nervous so we'll be watching his fluid intake haha
For the whole traveling with an infant thing, that's where most of my nervousness comes in. Ava is a great baby but will she be great stuck in a car seat for that long? I sure hope so...We're switching her from an infant seat to a convertible seat (don't worry, always rear facing) so she's a little more comfortable for the drive. Depending on how much room the two seats take up in the back I may be able to squeeze in between them for some entertainment for her. I learned the key to happiness with a baby is follow their schedule as much as it's humanly possible. For the bag that I'll keep her diapers in I'll have a changing pad, obviously diapers, a few Ziplock bags (to put used diapers in just in case we're doing a car change), diaper cream, an Aden + Anais bamboo blanket, and my Solly baby wrap.
I picked up a little mirror from Walmart to keep her entertained when needed. She seriously loves looking at herself so I think she'll love it, especially with the cute little owl on it.
Wegmans have these great organic puffs that come in all sorts of flavors. Apple and banana are the perfect little snack for her.
The v-tech tablet was a Christmas gift from a family member that I think she'll enjoy, especially since it's new.
Anti-bacterial baby safe wipes are pretty much a necessity.
The Lamaze octopus is one of her favorite toys and I thought it would be nice for her to have something familiar from home.
An extra change of clothes is so important because accidents happen. It couldn't hurt to have a change of clothes for yourself close by either. For Braxton I try to pack something a little darker just in case he spills something on himself. Stains are the bane of my existence haha Also- don't forget to pack the extra clothes in Ziplock bags so if you do have to use them, you can just put the dirty clothes in the bag. You don't want wet, dirty clothes just hanging out.
Of course, these aren't the only things I will be packing but they're the most important I think for the drive. I'll have all of Braxton's toys and treats in his little backpack by his feet, Ava's things will go in a smaller bag behind her carseat, and the snacks will be up front with me. Another semi-important thing to keep close would be Tylenol, band aids, etc. just in never know with little ones. I'm hoping this is a smooth trip and I'll be a pro after this. Wish me luck?